
Why cloud computing is more fun with DevSecOps (Webinar | Online)

11. Oktober 2023 Webinar

Just like the strategic decision to transfer your own software to the cloud, DevSecOps also starts in the head. The targeted promotion of a modern corporate and communication culture enables optimal collaboration across team boundaries. In the cloud context, this collaboration reaches its highest effectiveness. The integration of security into every step of our processes, automated security tests, observability and the mindset of interdisciplinary overall responsibility reduce risks and address problems proactively. Innovation and experimentation are always encouraged. In thisWeiterlesen

Modernizing Data Center Management with Automation and Rebootless Patching (Webinar | Online)

11. September 2023 Webinar

Do you know how much time, effort, and resources you can save your team when you automate your data center management? With the right tools, automation can make it easier to deploy and manage servers, especially when you extend it to vulnerability patches—that way, organizations can keep their data centers patched and compliant without reboots or downtime. During this webinar, you’ll discover: How organizations can use the orcharhino data center management platform to automate host deployment, configuration management, vulnerability patchWeiterlesen

Integration von AWX und GitLab mit Webhooks (Webinar | Online)

8. August 2023 Webinar

Worum geht es im Webinar? Ansible ist ein Kommandozeilenwerkzeug zur Systemkonfiguration mittels YAML-Dateien. Das darauf aufbauende Open-Source-Projekt AWX bietet weitergehende Möglichkeiten, wie zum Beispiel ein GUI zum Planen der Jobs und Rechtemanagement. Insbesondere in großen Organisationen kommt AWX zum Einsatz. AWX kann unter anderem den Ansible-Code aus GitLab ziehen und dann in ein AWX-Projekt synchronisieren. GitLab ist eine Open-Source-Versionsverwaltungsplattform, welche im Bereich DevOps und DevSecOps besonders beliebt ist. Nach einer Einführung in AWX möchte ich in diesem Webinar speziell aufWeiterlesen

Benefits configuring hosts with Puppet, Ansible or saltstack integrated in orcharhino (Webinar | Online)

4. Juli 2023 Webinar

Configuration management is used to have a central source of truth to configure hosts. It can be used to ensure that the configuration stays compliant or to rollout changes to different environments.orcharhino is a tool to manage the complete lifecycle of servers. Starting with the provisioning via network- or imagebased approaches, it also provides integration for configuration management and includes a solution for patch- and releasemanagement.This webinar shows how the integration of Puppet, Ansible or Saltstack can be used inWeiterlesen



Januar 2025