16. Mai 2024

Terraform in Action: Navigating Complex Environments with Multiple Teams (Webinar | Online)

16. Mai 2024 Webinar

Webinar – Collaborate Effectively on Infrastructure with Terraform Infrastructure as Code: Learn how Terraform automates and documents infrastructure changes, enhancing clarity and control. Collaborative Tools Integration: Discover how Terraform and GitLab together streamline infrastructure provisioning and management across multiple administrators. What will you learn about Terraform Infrastructure Management? Explore the capabilities of Terraform to manage complex infrastructures through our detailed webinar. This session will focus on practical applications and the integration of developer tools to manage and document infrastructure efficiently. Comprehensive ControlWeiterlesen

Driving Efficiency with Event-Driven Ansible: An Introduction – Webinar On-Demand (Webinar | Online)

16. Mai 2024 Webinar

Driving Efficiency with Event-Driven Ansible: An Introduction Webinar – Event-Driven Ansible Demystified Event-Driven Ansible is a new automation approach where tasks are triggered by events like system alerts or changes in infrastructure, allowing for immediate responses without manual intervention. Unravel the theoretical foundations of Event-Driven Ansible alongside a practical demonstration. What will you learn about Event-Driven Ansible? This webinar takes an in-depth look at the new capabilities of Ansible. Event-Driven Ansible allows for the creation of automated processes that are triggered directly by incidents, enhancingWeiterlesen

Designing self-hosted Kubernetes platforms for enhanced flexibility (Webinar | Online)

16. Mai 2024 Webinar

Through skillful orchestration of system components, a Kubernetes system can be built that completely separates the control plane from the actual cluster and the workloads running there. This system is safer, more scalable, and easier to maintain than a “vanilla” Kubernetes, while still retaining its flexibility. What will you learn about self-hosted Kubernetes? Join us as we analyze the challenges faced by companies implementing Kubernetes as a self-hosted container platform. Many organizations encounter the following scenario: Role Separation One department acts as a service provider,Weiterlesen

Rock’n’Riesling Party im Bioweingut Staffelter Hof (Unterhaltung / Freizeit | Kröv)

Das Bioweingut Staffelter Hof und die KultUrScheune Kröv laden herzlich ein! ROCK’N’RIESLING PARTY am 25. Mai ab 19 Uhr!   Die Rockcover Liveband Muddi und die alten Männer spielt für euch das Beste zum Abrocken, Tanzen und natürlich Mitsingen! An der Weinbar gibts verschiedene Weine der kröver Jungwinzer und am Foodtruck könnt ihr euch den ganzen Abend verköstigen. Der Eintritt ist frei! Adresse: Staffelter Hof, Robert-Schuman-Str. 208, 54536 Kröv Web: www.kulturscheune.rocks Mail: info@staffelter-hof.de Tel: 06541-3708 Eventdatum: Samstag, 25. Mai 2024Weiterlesen

consenso at #UiPathOnTourMünchen (Messe | München)

16. Mai 2024 Messe

Treffen Sie uns am 23. Mai 2024 in München, wenn UiPath zum größten Treffen von #Automatisierungs-& #KI-Experten in der DACH-Region einlädt. Wir freuen uns sehr auf einen spannenden Austausch mit Ihnen bei der #UiPathOnTour! Tickets unter https://bit.ly/3UzdAx0. consenso. SAP Projekte mit Erfolgwww.consenso.de#UiPathOnTour #automation #ai #sap #weareconsenso Eventdatum: Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2024 08:00 – 18:00 Eventort: München Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung: consenso Consulting GmbHMeisenstr. 9433607 BielefeldTelefon: +49 (521) 2606-0Telefax: +49 (521) 2606-199http://www.consenso.de Weiterführende Links Zum Event Originalinserat von consenso ConsultingWeiterlesen



Mai 2024