11. August 2023

36. Irsee Natural Product Symposium (Konferenz | Irsee)

11. August 2023 Konferenz

Biologically active natural products are of great importance both for basic research and for research and development in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries. As a good insight into current developments and as a forum for the interdisciplinary exchange of experience, the annual Irseer Naturstofftage of DECHEMA e.V. have been an established event for more than three decades. They are organized by the DECHEMA e.V. working group on „Small Molecule Natural Products with Biological Activity“. Eventdatum: 13.02.24 – 16.02.24 Eventort: IrseeWeiterlesen

Infoday Food Proteins from Biotechnology (Konferenz | Frankfurt am Main)

11. August 2023 Konferenz

We want to take a look at the presence and future of food and nutrition. Which food innovations are already available today, what can be expected in future? What is (still) utopia? Representatives from science and industry will inform about the current state of food biotechnology and new developments. Start-ups and established food tech players present their vision of future nutrition and face critical scientific discussion. The info day, organized by DECHEMA’s food biotechnology division, will cover topics such asWeiterlesen

Alpines Kurvenfestival (Unterhaltung / Freizeit | Wolkenstein in Gröden)

ALPINES KURVENFESTIVAL 13. – 17. September 2023 4 Tage – 12 Sportwagen – 16 Alpenpässe – Helikopterflug – 3 prämierte Restaurants, ab 2.290,00€  Ein Erlebnis für alle Sinne Die schönsten Alpenpässe in den Dolomiten & der Großglockner  Röhrender Sound der Motoren unserer Sportwagen in den Ohren  Gaumenfreude durch bestprämierte österreichische & südtiroler Köche  Unterhaltsame Gespräche unter Gleichgesinnten Unterkünfte – Start/Ziel: 4-Sterne Boutique Hotel Weyerhof am Wildkogel im Pinzgau mit prämierter Küche– Hotel in Südtirol: 4-Sterne Freina Mountain Lifestyle Hotel in Wolkenstein im Grödner Tal TagestourenWeiterlesen



August 2023